The ridged design of the pan allows excess fat to drain off. 平底锅的凸纹设计使多余的油能够控出。
When the water boiled, the lid of the pan blew off. 水开后,锅盖被顶了起来。
When the chicken has cooked through, take it out of the pan and pour off all but a couple of tablespoons of the fat in the pan, and make a quick gravy. 鸡肉熟透之后,从锅中取出,把锅里的肥油倒掉一些,只留几汤匙,用它快速做个肉汁。
Return the chicken to the pan with the gravy and allow it to cook yet a little while longer, until it is ridiculously tender, almost coming off the bones. Then remove to a cutting board, hack into pieces and place on a platter. 把鸡肉放回带有肉汁的锅中,焖的时间稍微长一点,直至鸡肉变得很嫩,几乎要从骨头上掉下来。然后移到案板上,切成片,放到大浅盘上。
Terry pan, head of retail business at Jardine Fleming asset management, says this year "has been quite a challenge to the extent that the market has been very choppy, and some investors have taken bets off the table". 怡富资产管理公司(jardineflemingassetmanagement)零售业务主管terrypan表示,今年以来“极具挑战性市场波动非常剧烈,一些投资者已经撤资”。
Some of the enamel on this pan is chip off. 这平底锅上的搪瓷有些已脱落。
Bearing off the inside of oil pan installed by the centrifugal effect is likely to enter the oil off the internal bearings, seals play a role. 轴承内侧装设的甩油盘就是借离心作用将可能进入轴承内部的油甩掉,起到密封的作用。
The oil pump in the lubricating system draws oil from the oil pan and sends it to all working parts in the engine. The oil drains off and runs down into the pan. 润滑系统中的油泵把机油从油中抽上来,送到发动机的各个活动部件。机油再流下来回到油盘。
This is the situation when Peter Pan comes knocking on their window to retrieve his shadow which was cut off in their room. 他们更养有狗只作为看护。小飞侠就在此时叩响他们的窗户,取回自己被切断的影子。
Chief Cook: I put the blanket on the pan first, and then I switched off the stove and used a fixed foam extinguisher to put it off. 大厨:我先用灭火毯盖在锅上,然后关了炉子,又用固定泡沫灭火器将火扑灭。
Since I used a round pan, I had to cut off the borders to give it a square shape. 因为我用的是一个圆的平底锅,我不得不把边切掉,让它变成一个正方形的形状。
Pan Am Flight 101 ( one o one) takes off from Los Angeles at eight thirty. 泛美航空公司101航班在八点三十分从洛杉矶起飞。
Patented contact-free height sensing, Sensual Pan, ensures accurate stand off to give improved cut quality. 专利无接触调高系统,调高盒保证准确的位置得到更好的切割质量。
Heat frying pan with some oil, fry the salmon patties until golden brown on both sides, turn off the heat and add lime juice; Serve hot. 煎锅中下油烧热,把三文鱼饼煎熟,至两面金黄即关火,洒上青柠汁便成,趁热享用。